As Luca wrote on his CS profil "...if you don't go to the World...let the world come to you!!!....".
I'm a little busy with my work, not much time for travel, but thank God we have Couchsurfing. No, it isn't God's idea- Casey Fenton invented CS!
I was lucky to meet and host Luca. He is traveling on motorcycle a little bit in Europe during his holiday.
He worked in many places ..nowdays in Nigeria, so I heard a lot of incredible stories.
We had also some common topic to discussion, like small dispute about motorcycle trip of Evan McGregor and Charlie Boorman:)
(Ok, Luca - I'll try with that movie, but the book was realy weak!)
I'm a little busy with my work, not much time for travel, but thank God we have Couchsurfing. No, it isn't God's idea- Casey Fenton invented CS!
I was lucky to meet and host Luca. He is traveling on motorcycle a little bit in Europe during his holiday.
He worked in many places ..nowdays in Nigeria, so I heard a lot of incredible stories.
We had also some common topic to discussion, like small dispute about motorcycle trip of Evan McGregor and Charlie Boorman:)
(Ok, Luca - I'll try with that movie, but the book was realy weak!)
Jak Luca napisał na swoim CS profilu "..jeśli ty nie wyjdziesz do świata ..pozwól by świat przyszedł do Ciebie!!!.."
Jestem trochę zajęta pracą, niezbyt wiele czasu na podróżowanie, ale dzięki Bogu mamy Couchsurfing. Nie, to nie pomysł Boga - Casey Fenton wymyślił CS!
Miałam szczęście poznać i gościć Lucę. Podróżuje na motocyklu po Europie podczas swoich wakacji.
Pracował w wielu miejscach..obecnie w Nigerii, wieć usłyszałam wiele niesamowitych historii.
Mieliśmy i trochę wspólnych tematów do dyskusji, jak np. mały spór o motocyklową podroż
Evana McGregora and Charlie Boormana:)
(Ok, Luca - Spróbuje z tym filmem, ale książka była naprawdę słaba!)
Good luck Luca!